Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chocolate Pomegranate Heaven

I found this easy shmeasy recipe on Pinterest. You will need a pomegranate and a bag of chocolate chips.
The first and most tedious thing is to get the seeds out of the pomegranate. Easiest way to do this is in a bowl of water; all the seeds sink, and everything else floats so you can scoop that off the top, and strain the seeds. I dried my seeds for about an hour on paper towels.
Line a muffin pan with cupcake cups. Put chocolate chips in a ziplock bag. Heat the bag up for 15 seconds, take out, and knead it. Repeat until the chocolate is smooth. Cut the tip of the bag and squeeze a bit of chocolate in the bottom of a cupcake cup, sprinkle some pomegranate seeds, add more chocolate, and add more seeds. Do this is every cup, let cool, and then enjoy!

Next time I plan on using white chocolate. This will not only be delicious but beautiful for Christmas. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Magnificence of a Hedgehog

My fascination with this adorable creature started during my early years of high school. There was a janitor that had a pet hedgehog. She would bring him to school every once in a while. The day my eyes met this spiky ball, I knew I would raise my very own. About 1 year after graduating high school, I hunkered down and found a breeder (http://www.crittercrazy  right outside of my home town. After some quick arrangements  and a short drive, I had my little buddy in my arms and was bound towards his new home.
African Pygmys are the most common hedgehog for a pet.  Hedgehogs are nocturnal so they are mainly awake at night, but their schedules do change quite a bit when they are domesticated. Morty will get up usually in the afternoon, take a nap, and be up for most of the night.
African Pygmys need to stay close to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I keep Morty at a comfortable temperature with a red heat lamp.
Hedgehogs can't see the red light, so this doesn't affect their sleep. These little guys can't get too cold, even from a draft because this my push them into hibernation  When hedgehogs start hibernating  they do not eat or drink, so this can be very dangerous. Morty has gone into hibernation once, he came out of it fairly quickly after I turned up the heat in his cage, and injected some water into him.
These insectivores are not known for being the most sociable creature. A good way to get hedgehogs used to you is to handle them often, and give them lots of attention.
In the wild, hedgehogs will They live mainly off of insects, but domesticated hedgehogs maintain a healthy diet on indoor cat food. Morty has been known to enjoy a gold fish cracker every now and again. Grasshoppers and mil worms are a delicious treat. Morty seems to be a strange hedgehog, and has passed up both of these decadent morsels for his regular cat food.
Morty spends most of his life in a cage big enough for a rabbit. In his dwelling, you will find pine shavings covering the floor, an igloo,
small dish of cat food,
hamster style water bottle,
and a wheel. Morty loves to run on his wheel, it seems to provide him entertainment all night.
To provide him with more amusement, I like to take him outside on a warm summer's day.
The hedgehog and his cage do require a cleaning once a month. I wash Morty with puppy shampoo, and scrub him down in the sink with a toothbrush. I also use cat nail clippers to keep his little claws trimmed up.
A good way to rinse off a little hedgie is by letting him swim around in a bathtub full of clean water.
Morty has provided me with 4 fun years of enjoyment and excitement. He always manages to surprise me, either by attacking a stray packing peanut, or munching down on a gold fish crackers. Morty seems to be mortal enemies with socks and pillow cases...
Morty is in his elder years; unfortunately hedgehogs don't live to be too old. An average life span is about 5 years. Just recently Morty began acting like he was in hibernation, but this strange behavior went on for about 2 weeks. My boyfriend and I were getting prepared for his last days. We did give him a fighting chance by keeping his cage a little warmer and force feeding him sugar water. The poor little guy wasn't eating, barely drinking, and had very little energy. We were practically pacing and wringing our hands the whole time he was sick; trying to decide if we should put him down just in case he was in pain. We decided to keep waiting, because he didn't seem to be in pain. Then miraculously he began drinking at his normal speed and moving around a little bit more, then he began eating, and now he is back to normal. Morty doesn't run on his wheel anymore, but we will keep it in his cage just so he has the option.

I am sure you have fallen in love with their cute little faces. You will fall in love with their personality after reading a book called "The Hedgehog's Dilemma" by Hugh Warwick. Warwick mostly discusses the European Hedgehog found in Britain.
I would not suggest a hedgehog as a pet for a small child. This is most definitely a pet for someone who has the patience to peer through all the spikes and see a warm ball of love.

Favorite Substitute Teaching Moments

I have decided to make a log of all my favorite subbing moments:

I was scheduled to spend about 2 weeks with a fifth grade class. It was my fourth day with the class, and the students had just arrived from lunch. They were settling down when I announced that they needed to pull out their Social Studies book-pilebooks. A usual annoyed groan came from the general population. Suddenly one of the "class-clowns" spoke up  and announced "Hey, I like history! It is fun to learn about!" The whole class seemed quite surprised; it didn't change the general mood towards our next lesson, but was a moment that made me smile from ear to ear.

In this same fifth grade class, there was quite the array of personalities. There was one boy, who was probably one of the smallest, sweetest, kids in the class. The end of the day always seemed to be hectic because students were coming from there specials right at the time of the dismissal. This young boy, however, would find we in the bustling crowd and quietly say "Thank you for teaching me."  He has said that to me every day that I have taught, and I believe he really means it.

I was returning the same fifth grade classroom about a month later. One of the boys was eating his lunch as he saw me returning.  By "eating his lunch", I mean stuffing his face with green beans. When he saw me, he excitedly exclaimed "Ms. McKinney, I forgot you were going to be here for the rest of the day!" While shouting, this young boy was spewing green beans out of his mouth. It was a very messy, but heart warming experience.

I was subbing for a second grade teacher who had many special needs students, and students with behavioral problems. There was one boy in particular that I was told about before the day even started. This boy was going through a medicine change, so his mood was very erratic. I was a little nervous throughout the day; almost waiting for a melt-down. But this kid was one of the sweetest boys. I could tell he was having trouble keeping it together, but he did a wonderful job. He did quietly ask me to hold his hand while the class did some independent work(this action seemed to help keep him grounded). At the end of the day when all the students were walking out the door, he circled back, gave me a hug, and whispered "Thank you Ms. M."

I was submersed in the kindergarten world; I had been subbing kindergarten for about a week straight, which I was enjoying greatly. On this particular day I was with a wonderful class. Every student knew mine and their teacher's expectations, and strived to follow these. I was having a hard time picking just a few students to give school dollars to, because I felt every student deserved one that day. Then right after last recess my class was heading inside, behind another kindergarten class. The student in the back of this line is a marvelous, petite child who had recently come from Japan, so she didn't understand much English yet. This young girl had her snow-suit around her feet and was scuttling into the building while dragging her suit through slush and water. Before I could even get to her for aid,  my line leader silently held up the suit and walked behind. I watched this interaction all the way in to the building, and my kindergartner even offered to help take her suit off once they had reached the lockers. Needless to say this was one of the students who received a school dollar that day. 

I always love getting beautiful drawings and creations from kiddos. This one in particular is one of my favorites, mostly because of his wonderful way of sounding out and spelling my name. This kindergartner spent his entire free time coloring this rocket for me. He didn't have enough time to color in the entire thing, so he told me I could finish it.  It says "Michael, Mis Mucine" (for Ms. McKinney)

More to come...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spice Cake Pumpkin Bread

This became my favorite holiday dessert the instant it touched my tongue. This treat is decadent, rich, and unfathomably easy to make. You will just need 2 ingredients.. yes two! Pumpkin filling and Spice Cake mix.

Mix these two buddies up and dump into a bread loaf pan. I used 3 small disposable loaf pans to make it easier for gifting.

Bake the bread until it passes a tooth pick test. The small pans took about 45 minutes in 300 degrees Fahrenheit  A normal sized pan usually takes about an hour at 350 degrees. Once the bread is cool, you can pull out your secret ingredient... Cream Cheese Frosting!

This frosting isn't exactly necessary because the bread is already so sweet and rich, but it does add an amazing, complimenting flavor. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pretzels Dipped in Melted Frosting

This is a twist on a classic sweet and salty treaty; chocolate covered pretzels. It all began when I was out of chocolate bark, but had pretzels and a variety of frosting sitting in my pantry. An easy way to melt frosting for dipping is to scoop about 2 tablespoons in a small microwaveable bowl for about 10-15 seconds. If you need to heat it up again, put it in the microwave for about another 5 seconds. You can either dip the pretzels or even use a spoon to drizzle the frosting over the pretzels for a fancy schmancy look.

Let them stand on wax paper, it took about 12 hours for them to completely dry. I added some Christmas sprinkles for the occasion, but these treats can be made for any holiday with the plethora of sprinkle choices out there.

Monday, October 15, 2012

DIY Halloween Decorations

Creating your own holiday decor is often much more satisfying than purchasing, and it is usually a bit cheaper. I made a few Halloween decorations this year that I wanted to share.
The first one is a wreath.

This project was a tad time-consuming but it was a fun way to spend time while autumn arrived.
What you will need:
Foam wreath
1-2 yards of orange felt
Fabric pins
Spooky accessory of your choice

I picked up my wreath in the dollar section at Target, this was just a little 7" inch wreath which was a perfect size for the area I planned on hanging it in. I only used about 1 yard of felt for this small wreath.

First thing to do is to create a 3 inch circle template out of cardboard. Use this template to trace circles all over your fabric.

After cutting out the circles, fold them in half twice and stick a fabric pin in the point.

Then you can start placing them on your foam wreath, I started on the outside and worked my way in. It definitely creates a better texture if you place the crimped circles in all different directions.

There is no need to cover the back of wreath, unless you plan on hanging it in the window. To hang my wreath I just pinned a ribbon to the back. The finishing touch is a fun Halloween accessory! I chose a 3 dollar little owl from Michael's, but the possibilities are endless; a crow, a spider, or a witch would all be adorable on this creation. Now enjoy of years to come!

Candy Corn has become my new obsession this year. It is a such a classic, iconic decoration for Halloween I was very excited for this project:

All you need are a few foam cones and colored twine or yarn! 

Just start wrapping your cone with white twine and work your way down to the yellow. I wrapped the twine over it's ends a few times so it would stay secure without securing it, and pinned the last stray end underneath the cone.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

All About Zucchini

This summer provided me with an enormous amount of Zucchini.

 This gave me the opportunity to try out some delicious zucchini recipes. Here are some of my favorites (many of them were recreated multiple times this summer).

Zucchini Walnut Bread

I know some people are apprehensive to put Zucchini in bread, but the amazing thing about this squash is that it does not have much of it's own taste. It just creates a banana bread texture.
This is a bread machine recipe that is easy and quick.
You will need:
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup shredded zucchini
2 eggs
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup chopped walnuts

Put ingredients in this order in your bread machine, set to quick bake. Vola! You have a warm tasty loaf of bread to share with friends and family. This bread is also tasty with peanuts or no nuts.

Black Bean & Zucchini Quesadillas

What you need:
1/2 cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons salsa- I did not have salsa on hand so I just chopped up my garden tomatoes and added Salsa Brava Hot Sauce
1/2 cup finely chopped zucchini
Shredded cheddar cheese

Combine beans and salsa in a small bowl; mash with a fork. Stir in zucchini.

Butter or oil a tortilla, lay on warm skillet.
Put bean mixture on tortilla and sprinkle with cheese. Cover with another buttered tortilla.
Cook until cheese is melted and both sides are golden brown. 

Zucchini with Corn and Cilantro
This has become my favorite summer snack. It is so delicious and healthy!
What you need:
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 1/2 cups cubed zucchini
1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn(I used about 2 cups of corn)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice(also tasty with lemon juice)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Heat oil in large skillet. Add zucchini and corn; cook, stirring occasionally, 7 to 8 minutes or until zucchini is crisp-tender.
Remove from heat, and stir in cilantro and remaining ingredients.
Enjoy with your favorite chips!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Favorite Hiking Spots in Missoula

My favorite summer activity is hiking, and I am in love with all of the hiking trails in Missoula.

My all time favorite spot would probably be Rattlesnake. This trail-head is pretty simple to get to; you just follow Rattlesnake road until you hit the hiking entrance.
Rattlesnake has a plethora of different trails, it provides you with a different experience no matter how often you walk this area. Enormous trees offer generous amounts of shades, which gives you have the opportunity to hike at really any time of day without suffering from heat exhaustion. 

There is crystal clear spring run-off that runs along the trails, and is spotted with enjoyable beaches. The bubbling water is great for humans and creatures to cool off. 

You are able to hike in the Rattlesnake as long or as little as you would like. The Nature Boundary is about 15 miles in which can mostly be done on a bike. Most trails allow dogs and bikes, but clear signs explain what is permissible on each trail. 

 The Rattlesnake is pretty deep into nature, so it is important to be careful with creatures that may be enjoying their homes. This summer, mountain lions and bears have been spotted quite often; a bear bell or animal spray is a good thing to keep on hand, and always remember to be aware of your surroundings. Coghlan's Bear Bell with Magnetic Silencer (Google Affiliate Ad)

Another enjoyable place for hiking is the Water Works mountain. I use the Orange Street trail head to get to Water Works. This is located right next to the Orange Street Exit. 

This area is a little steeper than Rattlesnake, but is does give you a great view of Missoula. You can see the train tracks crossing through town.

I opt for this hiking trail when I am looking for more of a work-out. You will find a few off-trails on this mountain which ultimately hook-up into a big circle, this takes me about and hour a half to complete. Some off-trails will take you to a homestead, past a livestock pen which occasionally houses livestock, or down towards the Rattlesnake area. 

Trail Towards Rattlesnake
Dogs are allowed on all of the trails, and are permitted to be off the leash after only about 100 feet up the trail. Remember to bring water for your pooch if he is coming along. This trail doesn't have a lot of shade, so the best time to go is in the morning or evening, that way the sun is not beating down on you.

The 'M' is a destination that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. This trail is located on Mount Sentinel which hugs the University of Montana campus. 

The M is not very high up, however it gives a great vantage point of the University Campus. You do have a couple options for getting to the concrete letter. All trails are fairly steep, again this is a trail you don't want to hike during mid-afternoon. 

Fun Fact: Groups of people will sometimes carry up rocks and spell a variety of words out with the M on various holidays or special occasion. My favorite has been the word "mom" spelled out on Mother's Day.

The "M"

If you are looking for more of an adventure, you can continue on to the summit of Mount Sentinel which supplies a breath-taking view of Missoula.

Across the highway is Mount Jumbo which houses The "L". This destination is not as popular as The "M", but is does provide a more leisurely trek. 

Blue Mountain is in my top 3 hiking destination because it supplies an endless amount of trails that reach out across a wide area of land. Blue Mountain Trail Head is located just past Super Walmart towards Lolo.

This heavenly spot is very well shaded with pine trees which create the great smell of warm pine-needles. 

Blue Mountain is very dog-friendly, and I have noticed it is a popular destination for dog owners. 

I hope this post provided you all with ideas of where to go for a fun hike if you are planning on visiting Missoula, and maybe this reminded Missoula Natives of destinations forgotten.

Feel free to comment, subscribe, maybe explain an area around Missoula where you enjoy a hiking trip.