Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pretzels Dipped in Melted Frosting

This is a twist on a classic sweet and salty treaty; chocolate covered pretzels. It all began when I was out of chocolate bark, but had pretzels and a variety of frosting sitting in my pantry. An easy way to melt frosting for dipping is to scoop about 2 tablespoons in a small microwaveable bowl for about 10-15 seconds. If you need to heat it up again, put it in the microwave for about another 5 seconds. You can either dip the pretzels or even use a spoon to drizzle the frosting over the pretzels for a fancy schmancy look.

Let them stand on wax paper, it took about 12 hours for them to completely dry. I added some Christmas sprinkles for the occasion, but these treats can be made for any holiday with the plethora of sprinkle choices out there.

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