Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chocolate Pomegranate Heaven

I found this easy shmeasy recipe on Pinterest. You will need a pomegranate and a bag of chocolate chips.
The first and most tedious thing is to get the seeds out of the pomegranate. Easiest way to do this is in a bowl of water; all the seeds sink, and everything else floats so you can scoop that off the top, and strain the seeds. I dried my seeds for about an hour on paper towels.
Line a muffin pan with cupcake cups. Put chocolate chips in a ziplock bag. Heat the bag up for 15 seconds, take out, and knead it. Repeat until the chocolate is smooth. Cut the tip of the bag and squeeze a bit of chocolate in the bottom of a cupcake cup, sprinkle some pomegranate seeds, add more chocolate, and add more seeds. Do this is every cup, let cool, and then enjoy!

Next time I plan on using white chocolate. This will not only be delicious but beautiful for Christmas. 

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