Sunday, July 22, 2012

Best Hotdog in Town

If you are looking for a delicious hot-dog in Missoula, you need to visit a new local place in town called Tom Dooley's. This establishment serves gourmet hot-dogs and fries. You can order The Coney Island, The Chicago Dog(my personal favorite), and many other classics. All steaming hot-dogs are served on pretzel buns which are amazing!

Tom Dooley's is located at 744 Broadway next to McDonalds and The Campus Inn. So you can grab a quick hot-dog and walk down to the river, or simply enjoy the atmosphere of Tom Dooley's.

The reason I decided to create this blog is because of the experience I went through to discover this place, and I would really hate to see Tom Dooley's go out of business to McDonalds. 

While I sat out in the Missoula sunshine enjoying a one-of-a-kind hotdog, I couldn't help but notice that for every car that stopped at Tom Dooleys, there were about 5 that would stop in at McDonalds. Sure McDonalds is cheap, sure it is fast, sure is is familiar. But I discovered that his great gourmet hotdog establishment is inexpressive for the amount of food you get, they are very quick in service especially considering that this food it prepared in front of your eyes and not stored in a warmer until you order. And people just NEED to be adventurous and try new places!

Now let us back up about 2 hours. My boyfriend had an awful hankering for a Chicago tyle dog. The only place we knew of in Missoula was from a hotdog stand downtown. Unfortunately this stand has not been seen yet this summer. So we ventured down town a while and raked our brains for a place that would provide a genuine worthwhile Chicago dog. After much complaining (from the oh-so hungry boyfriend) we hopped in the car and prepared to set out in defeat. As fate would have it, a commercial boomed on the radio. This commercial ranted and raved about Chicago style dogs on a pretzel bun, and Coney Island Dogs that will knock your socks off. We caught the location and headed to our destination with a new hope. 

Lo and behold we walked into a glorious establishment that smelled of deliciousness and had a lovely bar with cream soda nestled in ice! 

Moral of the story, if you are looking for a new place to enjoy in Missoula, or you are craving a hotdog like a pregnant women, you better try Tom Dooley"s!

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